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Years of Mirrors

Years of Mirrors

Years and years…..of mirrors!  I’ve covered them with exotic shells, walk-on-the-beach shells, glass chunks, found objects, more glass chunks.  It’s beauty and function…my kinda art!

Lately, I’ve been following the white-grey-silver trend.  It’s not easy finding glass that is CRYSTAL CLEAR…most glass has a slight greenish tint to it.  But, I got my hands on some beautiful vintage bowls and plates and chopped them up nicely.  This crystal clear 48” round mirror just sold yesterday!  And, I’m working on a large rectangular one for a client.  When I finish that one, I’ll start on new ones for the gallery!  Check back often if you’re interested in one!  As long as I can find the perfect glass, I’ll keep them rolling!

Read about previous blogs here and here and we offer classes monthly, called..”Pimp Your Mirror”  

(visit for class info) where you can dress up your old, not-so-glassy mirror!

The bowls are Floridian Vintage…I kept two of them to hold all the shards!