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Videos: Commercial, Tutorials, and more…

Videos: Commercial, Tutorials, and more…

Tons of gratitude for Jacob at His Grace Productions

Since August, he’s been working on a ton of videos for me! 

He’s made videos for the online section of my website so that potential online customers can get a quick video of my art, rather than just a photo. 

My work looks HORRIBLE in photos!  The true essence of my art is LIGHT! 

It’s the light that shows off the brilliance of the glass, and a photo just doesn’t cut it!  Check them out here. He’s also put together some great “B roll” of the work I’ve done in the past 6 months.  And, he put together a pretty cute commercial for The Shard Shop!  

The coolest of all is video tutorials he’s been working on. 

We’re getting ready to launch a whole new series of videos that demonstrate what I do so you can learn too! 

Stay tuned!