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Sk8-DeckO: Skateboard Art

Sk8-DeckO: Skateboard Art

Brian Wood, Justin Gaffrey’s Gallery manager strolled in my space a coupla weeks ago! He had his hands full with some skateboards sans the wheels!

Turns out, he and Justin are trying to raise moolah for a Skate Park in Walton County!

His artful idea is to have area artists create something wild with the decks, then auction them off! I LOVE creative challenges like this!!

I took the boards home with me and let them sit in my space for over a week. They sat there. Yep. I waited. That’s what I do when I have a project ahead of me. I sit, I live, I wait. I’m waiting for inspiration, you see.

I’m waiting to see something that will make that light bulb go off and I jump up and say HEEEY!!!! I GOT IT!!!!. It didn’t come tho. 🙁 (im pretty sure it’s cause of the weather, and I suffered through a nasty cold while all of this is going on…never make art while sick nooo)

So, to hurry on the process ( I have deadlines you know!) I start arranging the boards in various ways hoping something makes the ahaaaa thing go off! Nothing happens. SO..I get out my huge collection of spray paints and just start spraying away! I’m having a pretty good time with it soo..I paint both sides.

My daughter even offers to help. I LOVE the colors..but, the boards still look like boards and really…I want to crack them up a little bit..kinda like glass. BUT..since boards don’t shatter..I slice them! So far, so good. Now…I need a background! Lucky me…a long while back, my neighbor figures out that I’m an artist.

He sees that I pretty much will paint on anything. He shows up one day with a large plexi panel all nicely framed in. He tells me he’s got about 15 of them and he’s getting ready to throw them away. I tell him to deliver them to me pronto!

These things ROCK because they’re huge, and relatively light! The fact that they’re already framed is another bonus! They’re not perfect or anything but really, is anything perfect?! Not me!

So, I primed one and started throwing paint down on it. I picked a shade of blue ’cause well, I like blue! When I was all done, I decided I LOVED IT! I played around with different ideas on how to bring in the colors and shapes of the boards. Fellow artist Robin Cannon helped me with that part.

She stood there with her head sideways and kept saying…hmmmm..nooo…welll…maybe..hmmmm ummm..well..then BAM! OH! I LOVE IT!!! and that’s when we started drillin’ the boards onto the frame! The glass and resin came last! I had to add that ’cause if if doesn’t have glass and resin, then no one will know I made it!!!

Support this cause! The event is the evening of Feb 20, 2016 at Trebeache in Blue Mountain Beach. This piece will be sold at a live auction. It measures 80 x 33 Medium: Sliced up skate boards on framed plexi panel, glass, paint, resin. And, as they say on ebay….Happy Bidding!