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Marketing, Business, and a BIG Thanks!

Marketing, Business, and a BIG Thanks!

Even more gratitude for Joseph at Underdog Marketing

Tis the season to be THANKFUL for so much! 

Anyone that has to sit on the phone with me for hours and hours EVERY WEEK deserves much more than a lousy medal! 

Quite simply, Joseph is a marketing genius! 

He has the ability to look at the whole MARY HONG EMPIRE of videos, shops, galleries etc and pull it all together into one functioning unit.  And that, my friends, is something I will never be good at!  

I’m AN ARTIST.  I PAINT!  Joseph and I don’t even use the same WORDS in a sentence!  He is all business, and I am all art! 

I can’t wait to show the world what he’s been working on for the past 5 months…but, we’ll be rolling it out soon!