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Guy Gilchrist Exhibit Nashville

Guy Gilchrist Exhibit Nashville

I’ve just returned from MARY HONG GALLERY NASHVILLE!

I went up there for Guy Gilchrists’s exhibit of his extensive work as comic strip illustrator and Muppet artist.  He is AMAZING! He treated all of us with signed drawings of Ms. Piggy…Pink Panther…Kermit…Tasmanian Devil…All the fun illustrations of my childhood are IN HIS HANDS!  What a trip!

To honor him and all that he does, I decided to create a present for him! From one artist to another! I “glassified” a rendition of his illustration of Baby Kermit.  

His exhibit is going on for the entire month of June 2018.  If you’re in Nashville, stop in and say “Hi!” There is a very nicely curated collection of guitars, ukes, drum tops etc that he has embellished and are available for sale!  Collectors items galore!

Here are more pictures of my time there.

