New Year. New Art. Shop all of Mary's art to find your next piece now. 🎆


Glass art classes coming up in December 2014!

Glass art classes coming up in December 2014!

Holiday Glass Collage Class with Mary Hong

Bayou Arts Center 105 Hogtown Bayou Lane, Santa Rosa Beach, FL

SATURDAY December 6th, 10am til noon; FULL or
FRIDAY December 12, 10am til noon

To register: Contact Lee at 850.622.5970 or

Cost: $75 for CAA members and $85 for not-yet-members
Class size is limited.

Note: In these classes, we’ll be making Christmas Trees, Angels and Snowmen! (or you can make a sea creature if you’d like!!)
Design and create an original glass art design on canvas or board in a non-traditional mosaic technique developed by Mary. Her techniques will bring sparkle and beauty to a 12x 12 canvas. Students are encouraged to bring a small momento that needs honoring or that broken vase/glassware that you just can’t seem to part with. Students will learn how to cut glass and a brief lesson in composition will be taught. This introductory class will get you thinking differently about the glass you see around you. No experience necessary. All supplies provided and is suitable for all skill levels.

sign up for a class now!


Take Mary’s Classes Online!

What? Too busy shopping to take a class but really wanted to???
Sign up for marys’ online class and watch her videos in the comfort of your home! Click here to get started!

More classes will be coming in jan 2015 and beyond…just haven’t set dates yet..stay tuned

sign up for a class now!


Other Dates to Remember!

December 4th Thursday 5pm-8pm Holiday ART NIGHT
Join all the artists of the Grayton Artist Collective as they stay open late on the First Thursday in December to get in the holiday groove! Karl Shaw will be playing guitar, ukulele, and banjo at Mary Hong Gallery. Mary will have supplies out and ready to go for all to help her make a few pieces of art for a fundraiser, How Great Thou ARt benefiting Holy Kidz Camps. Whatever we make that night will be donated to this non=profit to be auctioned at their annual fundraising event in April. Food, Fun and Festivus.

Sunday Dec 14th noon to 5pm
End of Year Sale. I only do it once a year…markdowns on select art pieces and supplies.

Holiday Hours
Mary Hong Studio/Gallery will be
OPEN Christmas Eve, Dec 24 10am to 6pm
CLOSED Christmas Day Dec 25 until Dec 28th
OPEN Dec 29 and Dec 30 10am -6pm
CLOSED Dec 31 and Jan 1
OPEN Jan 2, 2015 and beyond!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!


Mary has just launched her online storefront!

Mary’s artwork is now available for purchase on her website!
shop for art now!