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Well…it’s beautiful in person!  I wish I had more pictures of this close up.  But, it’s late, and I’m up furiously typing up blog posts!!!  I have always, always loved butterflies.  It’s a very clear memory from my childhood.  We lived across the street from a huge field..full of clover and butterflies.  My parents bought me a butterfly net.  It was the only thing my siblings didn’t steal from me.  It was all mine!  I loved catching them..I’d marvel at their designs and colors, how the powder would fall off on my fingers.  I’d covet the cocoon on a stick in a Ball Jar.  I’d watch it every day.  I mothered it!  Gave it fresh air.  And when the butterfly emerged, I’d set it free.  It’s Butterfly Season around here!  Stop in the Gallery and pick some out!  They come in many sizes, and this is the largest of them all!


