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Art Night Will Resume!

Art Night Will Resume!

Art Night will resume in Grayton! Last year was the first year of artists forming the Grayton Artist Collective and our coalition banded together to stay open late one night a month to draw more attention to the work we do! We’re doing it again this year but..we’re moving from FIRST THURS to SECOND FRIDAY! SO..Friday March 13th will be our first event of the year! Mary Hong Gallery will remain open til 8pm. It’s a great opportunity to stop in and and check out all that’s been going on in the gallery during the winter! AND..a lot has been happening including a complete renovation! It’s also a sneak peak into the April 12 Grand Opening Event of the Shard Shop and Grand Re-Opening of Mary Hong Gallery. Stay tuned for more info on that event!

It’s been an amazing transformation and a ton of work redoing the gallery. I don’t know why it’s happened now..but it seems like this winter has been a season of change for so many other artists too! Andy Saczinski moved from his gallery at Mystic Porte across Logan Lane and into the Shops of Grayton! Now I get to look out my window and give him a little wave! Welcome to the Shops Andy! It’s gonna be a great year! He moved into Allison Craft’s space…and she scooted over into the building next to her previously occupied by Ophelia Swimwear. Allison Wickey closed her gallery in Seacrest and is awaiting a new gallery to be built for her in Watersound. The guys at Modus Photography moved into Andy’s space in Mystic Porte…lots of sawdust swirling over there. WOW!!! I emptied, repainted, added walls, furniture etc and even dimmed the lighting a little on Mary Hong Gallery. Then I filled it back up with art! It’s serene in there now! Mario has added his Italian flair to it with a nice white leather couch and espresso machine! Stop in and check it out and say ciao to Mario..his back hurts more than anyone else’s! The gallery is spacious now because I moved the studio section of my gallery next door into Nicole Paloma’s old space. That has become the soon-to-be-famous Shard Shop! See more on that in my next blog….